Thursday, December 17, 2009

Trip to Chicago

I went to Chicago December 2-7 to visit my friend Aidan. It was an amazing trip. I had so much fun and fell in love with the city. I couldn't understand before why anyone would live somewhere so big and so cold. I get it now. It's so beautiful and the architecture is amazing and there are so many different types of people everywhere. Plus I had so much fun hanging out with Aidan. We went dancing at Madonna-rama (a night where the club plays only Madonna music) and other clubs, to some cute diners and a BYOB thai restaurant, shopping in hipsterville (Wicker Park), a night of bartop burlesque... the lake Walgreens where we tried on many silly Christmas hats

For Aidan's birthday, we got haircuts and pedicures...
I met some really great people too. This is Aidan and his roommate, Claire:
This is Aidan's friend Selena, Aidan, and me at a club called Roscoe's on Aidan's birthday:

I can't wait to go back to Chicago.

Thanksgiving in Ft. Collins

Went to Ft. Collins with my parents for Thanksgiving to visit my sister Nikki and her family. Ate good food, shopped, played some basketball...

And checked out two breweries with Nikki and Dad: Coopersmiths and New Belgium...

Monday, October 26, 2009


On Friday, my roommate and I had a pumpkin carving party. Here are the results...
I made a Coraline pumpkin based on one of the movie posters...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Will Design for Money...

Completed my first go at business card design. Made a design for Nichole who is a photographer (and a really great one if anyone needs a photographer for portraits or a wedding or something). Here it is...
Let me know if you need any design work done. Discounted rates for friends and family :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Portland was... amazing. And surreal. I loved it. Here's why...

Went with a super cool person (Nichole)...

Had fun at brewpubs...

Went to the largest independent bookstore...

Ran into the band we went to Portland to see, Metric (OH MY GOD!!!!! Emily Haines is definitely my favorite singer ever)

Metric put on an amazing show and we got to go backstage afterwards!

Wandered around Portland State University

...and got an awesome new tattoo from an amazing artist in Portland

New Jersey

For the first post of my new blog, here are some pictures of my trip to New Jersey to see my sister, brother-in-law, and their two cute kids...

Mom and Zoe

Baby Coyote and my parents

The kiddos

The boys

On the beach

Water fun