Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Portland was... amazing. And surreal. I loved it. Here's why...

Went with a super cool person (Nichole)...

Had fun at brewpubs...

Went to the largest independent bookstore...

Ran into the band we went to Portland to see, Metric (OH MY GOD!!!!! Emily Haines is definitely my favorite singer ever)

Metric put on an amazing show and we got to go backstage afterwards!

Wandered around Portland State University

...and got an awesome new tattoo from an amazing artist in Portland

New Jersey

For the first post of my new blog, here are some pictures of my trip to New Jersey to see my sister, brother-in-law, and their two cute kids...

Mom and Zoe

Baby Coyote and my parents

The kiddos

The boys

On the beach

Water fun